Work and Travel/ Pracuj a cestuj


(CZ) Když jsem nastupovala na vysokou školu tak jsem neměla ponětí, že něco takové existuje. Skončila nám přednáška a já měla tehdy zřejmě 2 hodiny pauzu do další vyučovací hodiny. Seděla jsem se spolužáky v “odpočívající části 😀 ” A v ten den tam ve stánku propagovali program pro studenty – Work and travel od Czech-us agency. Okamžitě jsem přiklusala k té televizní obrazovce, kde promítaly videa bývalých účastníků toho programu 😀 No já čuměla jak blbec- v hlavě mi lítalo tisíc amerických myšlenek. Řekla jsem si “tam kurde musím jet, to je úplný sen..” Jenže co, ejhle jela jsem tam až o rok později, protože jsem měla strach, že se mi rozpadne vztah s tehdejším přítelem. Pak se to vyřešilo, rozešli jsme se a bylo to, tooo nejlepší co se mi mohlo stát yuhuu. Continue reading “Work and Travel/ Pracuj a cestuj”

Road trip playlist

(EN) Music is a great “buddy” for long road trips. It will come in handy when I’m just bored on a train, on a plane, in a car, on a bike … or when you are just passing through the beaches and watching the sunset. Some lyrics inspire me 🙂 For me, music gives me some kind of positive thinking and power 🙂

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Morocco: beautiful houses for cheap money honey

Have you ever dreamed of living like a queen? 🙂 I have some tips for you where to find beautiful and pleasant accommodation in magical Morocco. This spring i was on a trip to Morocco and we were staying in two the most beautiful moroccan riads (I bet that there is much more amazing accommodation). A riad is a traditiona Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden  courtyad and with two or more storeys around an Andalusian style courtyard that contained a fountain

Continue reading “Morocco: beautiful houses for cheap money honey”

5 must try coffee shops in South California

If you like good coffee and have a trip to Southern California, then make sure to stop at these my top tried coffee shops 🙂


This is a must see. Its shaded and quiet (near the beach), peaceful place to enjoy a good cup of coffee or smoothie. I highly recommend try their special Chai Latte! The Cafe is decorated by plants cactuses and succulent decorated walls. Some of the plants and ceramics are for sale. Its pet friendly. Its located it two places: Continue reading “5 must try coffee shops in South California”

Why should you definitely visit Oceanside?

Oceanside or Oside is a coastal city located on South Coast. It’s the nicest city I’ve ever seen in California. I spent this summer there with my friends. Those who like sun, ocean and surfing then you are here in the right place. Oside has one advantage, its not so crowded with tourists 🙂 Continue reading “Why should you definitely visit Oceanside?”

Why i dont like LA?

(EN)Before I went on a trip to California, I thought Los Angeles is the top. Everywhere on the webs you can find those fantastic, stunning photos of LA surrounded by palm trees, a walk of fame, Hollywood and more but reality is different as I have convinced myself.

(CZ)Předtím než jsem se vypravila na cestu do Kalifornie, jsem si myslela že Los Angeles je prostě topovka. Všude na webu najdete ty fantastické, ohromující fotky LA obklopující palmami, chodník slávy, Hollywood a další. ale realita je ovšem jiná jak jsem se sama přesvědčila. Continue reading “Why i dont like LA?”

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